Artist Name:Garry Winogrand
Title:World's Fair, New York City, 1964
Medium:Gelatin silver print
Dimensions:11 x 14 inches
Title:World's Fair, New York City, 1964
Medium:Gelatin silver print
Dimensions:11 x 14 inches
Color: The color of this piece is in black and white, showing the time period.
Space: The area is in a park or an open area and the people are on a bench.
Value: the value of this piece shows the people and their personalities.
Texture: the texture of the women's clothing doesn's seem very smooth
Line: The line is shown through the bench.
Pattern: Most of the women has a pattern in her dress
Contrast: in the woman's dress with the white in the middle and the outside darker.
Balance: the balance is asymetrical because the people arent evenly displayed
Unity: they all show the time period of when the picture was taken
Focal Point: the focal point is all the women on the bench, but mainly the women whispering in eachothers ear.
I think the meaning behind the work was to show the time period and the fashions
The theme is showing the "typical women"
no, i think he was showing what most women do, sit & gossip.
no, i overall liked this piece because i picked it.
I most like the hair styles and fashions because they are cute. :)
I overall like this picture.
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